Volume 13 Issue 1 (2024)

Are Teachers’ Emotions Contagious? A Qualitative Study of the Effects of Perceived Teacher Enjoyment, Anxiety, Boredom on Students’ Emotions, Motivation, and Attitudes

pp. 100-120  |  Published Online: August 2024  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.131.7

El Makki Amiri


Background/purpose The flourishing of positive psychology (PP) in education has revolutionized the field through shifting the focus into the crucial role of discrete positive emotions (e.g., enjoyment, joy, and hope). However, qualitative studies about how teachers’ emotions affect different aspects of students’ well-being and academic achievement are scarce. The current study aimed at examining the relationship between student-perceived teacher enjoyment (PTE), boredom (PTB) and anxiety (PTA), and students’ motivation, emotions, and their attitudes towards the teacher (ATT) in higher education settings.

Materials/methods – Qualitative data were collected in a structured way before, during, and after teaching sessions through qualitative surveys that provided a standardized set of questions to all participants; thus allowing for a variety of analytical approaches, including coding and thematic analysis.

Results – Qualitative analysis revealed a positive depiction of teachers’ emotions as crucial elements during classes according to their students’ perceptions, in the sense that they had a significant impact on students’ motivation, performance, learning, and well-being. Students were also found to catch or be influenced, consciously and unconsciously, by the emotions of their teachers.

Conclusion – This qualitative study revealed that teachers’ emotions play a pivotal role in class and are essential for creating a positive learning environment due to the contagion nature.

Keywords: teachers’ emotions, perceived teacher enjoyment, perceived teacher boredom, perceived teacher anxiety, students’ attitudes


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