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An Overview of the Problems of Visual Arts Classes Within the Turkish Education System and Suggested Solutions pp. 7-18 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.1 A. Cem Ozal Full text PDF | Abstract | 20 | 8 Abstract System is a structure that operates within the relevant field with minimum error enabling attainment of an end-product as intended. It is only natural to encounter disruptions or deviations in human-induced systems. Nevertheless, any system targeting the training of individuals is a sensitive structure that should be designed meticulously since it is a long-term effort where consequences may significantly and directly affect the lives of the individuals within the system. The primary goals of the Turkish education system are clearly stated in the Basic Law of National Education. Although there are several formative studies such as curriculum design or system amendments within the system in compliance with these main goals, there are also certain obstacles or factors that adversely affect the achievement of these goals. This current study aims to identify and reveal the key problems that are preventing the achievement of the intended goals for the Visual Arts courses within the Turkish education system. Within this framework, identified problems are discussed from the perspective of decisions taken at the National Education Councils on teaching hours and permanent staff application, lack of physical spaces such as workshops and classrooms, teacher training, and employment, followed by a set of recommendations for possible solutions. Keywords: visual arts education, arts education, arts |
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An Assessment of Teachers’ Perception and Practice of Gender Equality in Education: The Case of Secondary Schools in Ambo Town Administration, Ethiopia pp. 19-42 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.2 Shelema Dadi, Girma Defere, Rahel Asefa Full text PDF | Abstract | 23 | 5 Abstract With significant importance and effort from the Ethiopian Government and non-governmental organizations to achieve gender equality in education, this study intended to critically assess teachers’ perceptions and the practice of gender equality in education in Ambo Town administration secondary schools. A mixed research approach was selected involving interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions and document study as the data collection instruments. The data collected was analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics measurement such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used; whereas in inferential statistics, ANOVAs variance and T-test were employed. The results of the descriptive statistics revealed that most of the teachers’ have a favorable perception of gender equality, but that they lack the skills to practice it. Harmful traditional practices, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and bullying were found to be the main challenges to practicing gender equality; however, the teachers’ lack knowledge and skill to respond to gender-based violence in education. ANOVAs variance revealed that teachers’ demographic characteristics such as teachers’ background and level of education made no significant difference regarding the perception, practice, challenges and teachers’ responses to gender-based violence in schools. However, significant differences were found with age and teaching experience on challenges to practice gender equality in education. Independent T-test found significant differences between male and female teachers with perception practice and teachers’ response to gender-based violence in their school. However, no significant difference was found between the genders with regard to challenges in practicing gender equality in education. On the other hand, no significant differences were revealed with regard to school types on the perception, practice and teachers’ responses to gender-based violence, except on the challenge to practice gender equality in education. Based on these findings, the study recommended that teachers should be trained on gender and sexual reproductive health to avoid bias they may bring to the classroom and on how to identify students who are experiencing problems. For instance, there should be inclusive, active gender clubs, separate toilets, school counselors, procedures for a safe way of reporting victims and perpetrators of abuse, and feminine hygiene products provided in the school. Keywords: gender, gender equality, gender equality in education, teachers’ perception, practice, challenges, gender-based violence, ambo town |
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Adult Opinions on Mathematics pp. 43-55 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.3 Secil Eda Kartal, Sultan Basak Demir Full text PDF | Abstract | 16 | 4 Abstract Adapting to changing life conditions, interpreting events that take place and increasing life quality are possible through enhanced knowledge, skills and competences. This study aims at examining; adult perceptions on mathematics, mathematics and mathematical competences, and transferring mathematical knowledge and skills to daily life. Qualitative research approach was used in the study, conducted through the screening model. The study group consists of 20 adults above the age of 25. A semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection instrument of the study. Perceptions of the participants on mathematics were aimed at being determined, what individuals gain through mathematics and their losses due to mathematical incompetency were examined. They were asked whether or not they wanted to enhance their mathematical competence and their reasons questioned. According to the study results, it was observed that adults relate mathematics to daily life, that they like mathematics, they are successful at it, and have fun while dealing with mathematics. In addition to believing that mathematics contributes to their daily life, they also stated that they will experience big losses in cases of mathematical incompetency. The participants stated that they want to enhance their mathematical competence and that lifelong learning would continue this way. Keywords: mathematics, competence, daily life, adult, lifelong learning |
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Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE): An Exploration of Physics Students’ Achievement pp. 56-65 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.4 Aina, Jacob Kola; Philip, Yamma Joseph Full text PDF | Abstract | 15 | 4 Abstract Four colleges of education comprising three public and one private college were sampled for this study. The three years of Physics results of 200 students of these colleges were analyzed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results indicates a difference in the academic achievement of students in theoretical and practical Physics. Additionally, there was a gap in the students’ academic performance in the theoretical and practical courses based on gender. The implications of the findings for Physics learning and gender representation in Physics education are highlighted. Keywords: academic achievement, Nigerian certificate in education, national commission for colleges of education, gender gap, theoretical physics, practical physics |
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In defense of Ethiopia’s adoption of “Democratic Developmental State”– Issues and Challenges pp. 66-73 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.5 Fesseha Mulu, Bizuayehu Daba Full text PDF | Abstract | 14 | 9 Abstract Under the leadership of the late Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), Meles Zenawi, who was credited as the architect of Ethiopia’s renaissance, and the ruling Ethiopia’s People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) adopted a political and economic ideology called “Democratic Developmental State.” As a result, the country has sustainably experienced significant economic growth in the past decade. However, some writers, opposition politicians, and scholars have criticized the Ethiopian government from the perspective of neo-liberalism as if the government intends to oppress its people and weaken opposition in the name of this new manifesto in order to remain in power. In addition, they have doubted the development stated by the government and the relevance of the adopted ideology to the national structure and bureaucracy. Thus, this desk research aims to defend the adoption of the democratic developmental state ideology in Ethiopia’s political and economic arena by taking its relevance and some of the success stories experienced since its adoption over two other dominant ideologies of “neoliberalism” and “developmental state.” The paper intends to identify some of the challenges that hinder the ideology in not having met its objectives. Keywords: democratic developmental state, democratization, developmental state, EPRDF, fastest growing economies |
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Prospective Pre-School Teachers’ Views on the Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry pp. 74-87 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.6 Selcuk Aydemir, Mustafa Ugras, Oznur Cambay, Aygun Kilic Full text PDF | Abstract | 12 | 7 Abstract This research has examined prospective preschool teachers’ views on the nature of science and scientific inquiry. The research was conducted with 54 prospective preschool teachers. Two data collection tools were employed: “Views on Nature of Science” (VNOS-C) to determine prospective pre-school teachers’ views on the nature of science and “Views about Scientific Inquiry Questionnaire” (VASI) (Lederman et al., 2014) to explore their opinions about scientific inquiry, and individualized semi-structured interviews were administered to each participant in order to determine the conceptual meanings of the prospective teachers related to the nature of science and scientific inquiry. Research findings revealed that prospective preschool teachers have inadequate views and conceptual errors with regards the nature of science and scientific inquiry. Additionally, a statistically significant difference was identified between prospective preschool teachers’ views in terms of nature of science and scientific inquiry (r=.795, p<.05). Keywords: nature of science, scientific inquiry, prospective pre-school teachers |
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Evaluation of Big Data and Innovation Interaction in Increase Supply Chain Competencies pp. 88-102 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.7 Zumrut Ecevit Sati Full text PDF | Abstract | 17 | 5 Abstract In business today, it means a great deal to uncover meaningful relationships, patterns and trends from the huge stacks of data that are often now available. The explosion in data diversity and volume coming from enterprise content and application data, data from social media, sensor data and also data including streams from third parties is significantly changing the ways and methods of interaction for both companies and their customers. This pressure is felt considerably more in the management of innovation through trying to develop the capability to integrate the supply chain to match the correct methods with the right information. This situation has directed companies into using “big data” in managing both their structured and unstructured data. Big data, which is information, held on a vast scale, can reveal significant potential in its transparency and convenience. To bring about a balanced approach to the use of internal and external information, supporting improved capabilities to better predict future competence, and provide that all important “big picture” through business analytics can improve the vision of businesses through the provision of more in-depth information about how to best access their customers. Improved communication and information links between partners of the supply chain may create major sources of information by bringing together both internal and external resources for customers, partners, stakeholders and suppliers in managing innovation. In this study, it is aimed to provide an extensive literature review on the interaction of innovation and big data in order to increase supply chain competencies and to study the problem, obstacles and driving forces for such interactions, and to consider projections for the future through the application of technology-based methods. Keywords: supply chain competence, innovation management, big data |
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