Adult Opinions on Mathematics
pp. 43-55 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.3
Secil Eda Kartal, Sultan Basak Demir
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Adapting to changing life conditions, interpreting events that take place and increasing life quality are possible through enhanced knowledge, skills and competences. This study aims at examining; adult perceptions on mathematics, mathematics and mathematical competences, and transferring mathematical knowledge and skills to daily life. Qualitative research approach was used in the study, conducted through the screening model. The study group consists of 20 adults above the age of 25. A semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection instrument of the study. Perceptions of the participants on mathematics were aimed at being determined, what individuals gain through mathematics and their losses due to mathematical incompetency were examined. They were asked whether or not they wanted to enhance their mathematical competence and their reasons questioned. According to the study results, it was observed that adults relate mathematics to daily life, that they like mathematics, they are successful at it, and have fun while dealing with mathematics. In addition to believing that mathematics contributes to their daily life, they also stated that they will experience big losses in cases of mathematical incompetency. The participants stated that they want to enhance their mathematical competence and that lifelong learning would continue this way.
Keywords: mathematics, competence, daily life, adult, lifelong learning
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