Volume 8 Issue 2 (2019)

Needs Analysis of Problem-Based Learning Textbook Development for Environmental Courses

pp. 134-140  |  Published Online: December 2019  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.82.3

Ahmad Muhlisin and Setiyo Prajoko


Learning resources in the form of textbooks and learning processes are a determinant factor of learning success. The objective of this study is to describe the learning resources available as forms of learning support, to understand the level of learning achievement of environmental material and the percentage of student problem-solving indicators. Survey research method was employed, using instruments in the form of a questionnaire based on respondents’ level of understanding and certain problem-solving indicators. The study subjects consisted of 77 Natural Sciences undergraduate students. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive methods. The conclusions show that the learning resources were supported in the form of reference books, but the semester learning plans for environmental subjects did not yet exist and that environmental subject textbooks were not yet available. The percentage of students’ understanding of learning outcomes or learning objectives in the environmental material was still dominated by the criteria and a 45% lack of understanding. Problem-solving indicators on problem identification aspects dominant at 55%. Aspects identify various solutions that are still low at 25% for identifying solutions, and 20% for skills to maintain solutions.

Keywords: Textbook, problem-based, environment


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