Volume 12 Issue 2 (2023)

Teachers’ Effective Use of Educational Resources and Their Effect on Students’ Learning

pp. 83-98  |  Published Online: December 2023  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2023.122.4

Jacob Kola Aina, Azeez Adebayo Abdulwasiu


Purpose/Background – Numerous educational resources are accessible in the 21st century that may be used to help students learn. These materials must therefore be investigated by teachers, and instructors need to be resourceful in order to improve students’ learning in the 21st century. This study presents information and ideas on the traits, skills, and effects of resourceful teachers on how students learn.

Materials/Method – In this review, the author consulted literature and empirical data from the most recent scholarly works, including edited books, peer-reviewed journal articles, and other academic research.

Practical Implications – Any educational institution would benefit greatly from recruiting resourceful teachers. Today’s teachers need to be resourceful in many different ways, such as being able to work constructively and collaboratively with others, and to make use of appropriate technology, including the latest free and open-source Internet resources. Students’ academic performance, retention, motivation, and other aspects are assumed to be influenced by a teacher’s resourcefulness, among other things.

Conclusion – Teachers must be resourceful in order to improve the ways in which students learn in the 21st century. Teachers can improve how they work as educators by utilizing the varied materials at their disposal. Teachers that are considered resourceful display traits that demonstrate how they maximize the benefits of using all of the resources available to them.

Keywords: Creativity, collaboration, feedback, motivation, resourcefulness, technology


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