Volume 12 Issue 2 (2023)

Classroom Climate in Early Childhood Education: A Conceptual Framework for Effective Classroom Management

pp. 55-82  |  Published Online: December 2023  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2023.122.3

Nurcihan Aslan


Background/purpose – The purpose of this article is to present a conceptual framework for effective classroom management by discussing the importance of classroom climate in early childhood education.

Materials/methods – This review article provides a brief literature review on classroom climate in early childhood education.

Practical implications – This article has the potential to inspire both researchers and teachers regarding future research perspectives of classroom climate in early childhood education. From this perspective, the concept of classroom climate in child education was comprehensively examined and implications for researchers and practitioners put forward.

Conclusion – It is important to create a positive classroom climate in preschool education institutions for children who experience a secondary emotional attachment model after their parents during the preschool period. In this context, in addition to a child’s relationship with their classroom teacher during their initial school experience, the child’s communication with their peers and friends, as well as positive interactions with the school’s administrator, staff, and service personnel, if any, should also be taken into consideration.

Keywords: preschool education, classroom climate, classroom management, early childhood education


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