Contributing and Hindering Factors of Teachers’ Social and Emotional Learning Competencies
pp. 7-22 | Published Online: December 2023 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2023.122.1
Arlyn A. Pasco, Ruth A. Ortega-Dela Cruz
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Background/purpose – Teachers are the role models that students tend to imitate. Therefore, teachers’ social and emotional learning skills and competencies are crucial to the implementation of social and emotional learning (SEL) intervention programs. When teachers are under stress, their social and emotional well-being can be significantly affected. This study focuses on assessing the SEL competencies of teachers, and to identify the hindering and contributing factors of these competencies.
Materials/methods – Survey research design was used to collect the study’s data. This was a combination of the an adopted 3-point, Likert-type instrument called the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Scale, which is a self-reflection test, and a structured questionnaire.
Results – The assessment revealed that most respondents had a deep understanding of their SEL competencies and applied them in their daily lives. The result also revealed “stress” as the primary hindering factor towards teachers achieving their SEL competencies.
Conclusion – The results serve as the basis for formulating a SEL intervention program aimed at enhancing and developing the SEL competencies of teachers.
Keywords: competencies, social and emotional learning, stress, teachers
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