Teacher Competencies In Virtual Learning: A Brief of Students’ Voice
pp. 80-92 | Published Online: December 2022 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2022.112.5
Suryawahyuni Latief, Dedek Kusnadi, Mulyadi Mulyadi
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Background/purpose – When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, the Indonesian government reacted to the spread of the virus by issuing new policies across various sectors, including education. Through the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Indonesian government issued the “Belajar Dari Rumah” (BDR) or “Learning-from-home” policy. From the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, learning activities have been conducted face-to-face, yet some teachers at universities in Jambi City still choose to deliver virtual learning activities. Considering that this option still exists for lecturers, it is considered useful to examine the competence of teachers to conduct virtual learning classes. Materials/methods – This qualitative research involved 15 students from Jambi University, Indonesia, with data collected through in-depth interviews. Results – Most of the students mentioned that teachers lacked competencies in three categories of virtual learning, namely; time management, learning methods, and delivery subjects. Participant students suggested improvements to teacher competencies in time management through more effective and efficient use of time, choosing from diverse virtual learning methods, both audio and visual, gaming, discussion, and feedback, and communicating with good grammar and clear pronunciation in their subject delivery. Conclusion – The participant students stated that teachers should improve their competencies in the areas of time management, learning methods, and learning material delivery. Considering the current study’s limitations, it would be prudent to also conduct studies at other universities and in different study programs so that it a more useful insight can be gained in order to improve teacher competencies in the area of virtual classroom teaching. |
Keywords: Jambi, student’s voice, teacher competencies, virtual learning, managing virtual learning
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