Volume 11 Issue 1 (2022)

The Relationship Between Power Types Used by School Principals and Teachers’ Autonomy Behaviors

pp. 105-121  |  Published Online: October 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2022.111.8

Efraim Keskin, Yahya Altınkurt


Background/purpose – This study aimed to reveal the relationship between power types used by school principals and teachers’ autonomy behaviors.

Materials/methods – The population of this descriptive study consisted of private and public school teachers employed in primary, secondary, and high schools in the center of İzmir, Turkey. This study was designed according to the survey model, with a sample consisting of 419 teachers. The Teacher Autonomy Scale developed by Çolak and Altınkurt (2017) and The Organizational Power Scale in Schools developed by Altınkurt and Yılmaz (2013) were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multivariate regression analysis were used in the analysis of the collected data. 

Results – According to the participant teachers, school principals mostly use legitimate power, then expert power, reward power, referent power, and coercive power, respectively. Teachers’ general autonomy behaviors were found to be at a high level. Among the autonomy dimensions, teachers mostly displayed teaching autonomy, followed by curriculum autonomy, communication autonomy, and professional development autonomy, respectively. The power types used by school principals explained 18% of teachers’ autonomy. Reward power was revealed as a significant predictor of teachers’ autonomy behaviors.

Conclusion – As seen in the study results, the school principals’ power preferences affect teachers’ autonomy behaviors. Therefore, it is important for school principals to use their power appropriately so as to create an open and healthy school climate where teachers can state their opinions easily and take part in decision making. However, leaving this situation to the discretion and initiative of the principals could result in other problems. For this reason, the most important step required would be to make structural arrangements for the empowerment of teachers.

Keywords: autonomy, teacher autonomy, power, school principals


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