Teaching Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Assessment of Nigerian Colleges of Education Lecturers’ Technology Knowledge and Integration
pp. 70-80 | Published Online: October 2022 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2022.111.5
Jacob Kola Aina, Kehinde Ajiboye, Azeez Adebayo Abdulwasiu, Jacob Olaifa Attah, Israel Olosunde
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Background/purpose: The emergence of COVID-19 affected global education, which prompted a shift in the teaching paradigm to remote learning. This learning technique requires that lecturers in higher institutions have an adequate knowledge of current technologies and are able to integrate them into the teaching and learning process. Lecturers in Nigerian colleges of education joined their counterparts globally in adopting remote learning practices during the pandemic. The focus of this study aimed at examining their knowledge of relevant technologies and how they were able to integrate them into the classroom.
Materials/methods: The study adopted a survey research method, with a questionnaire used to assess the lecturers. The questionnaire focused on technological knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, technological content knowledge, technological pedagogical and content knowledge, and the technologies most frequently used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collected from 180 participants were analyzed and the results presented based on descriptive statistics.
Results and conclusion: The analyzed data showed that lecturers possessed relevant knowledge of technology, knew how to select technology appropriate for specific teaching methods, and to integrate them into teaching. However, the lecturers only used limited computer hardware, which was deemed inadequate for technology-based remote learning during a pandemic. Therefore, the authors conclude that the lecturers have adequate technological knowledge and integration skills, but lack the appropriate hardware to deliver effective technology-based remote learning.
Keywords: COVID-19, technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, TPACK, technology
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