Relationship Between Academic Ability and Environmental Problem-Solving Skill: A Case Study at Adiwiyata Schools in Tangerang City, Indonesia
pp. 76-86 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.6
Lenny Prastiwi, Diana Vivanti Sigit and Rizhal Hendi Ristanto
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The environmental problem-solving skill is influenced by many factors, including academic ability. This study aims to analyze the relationship between academic ability and environmental problem-solving skill. The research method employed for this study was quantitative descriptive with survey technique. The number of respondents consisted of 245 Grade 11 science students from three Adiwiyata Senior High Schools in Tangerang City, Indonesia. Academic ability was measured by using the National Examination score of students in Junior High School, while environmental problem-solving skill was measured by way of an essay test. The results showed a weak positive relationship through the regression model (= 6.596 + .520X). The correlation coefficient obtained was .340 and the determination coefficient was 11.6%. Higher academic ability scores indicate better environmental problem-solving skills of the students. Based on the results of the study, other Indonesian schools should also implement the Adiwiyata programs in order to improve their students’ academic ability and environmental problem-solving skills.
Keywords: Adiwiyata school, environmental problem-solving skill, academic ability
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